Northwest Arkansas Photographer

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Pinterest, twitter, facebook networking...OOoomy

Have I mention before I am new at this whole blogging thing. I never thought my ramblings would be good for my business, but I logged into My Pinterest account & WOW. I have a board of some of my work and noticed there are a TON of my photo's that have been "liked" or "repined" and they were all pinned from this blog :/ SO I wonder how many people have stopped by my blog and though "blah" boring. I mean yes I feel my photography work speaks for itself but people like to read & learn about the photographer. HA that is ludicrous to me, I have it in my mind no one cares about lil'ole me. I just take the pictures and they speak for themselves lol but I get it, you're about to invest some money in my work and probably spend an hour or two of your life with me so you wanna know if I am crazy wild or mellow yellow laid back. Well if you asked any of my friends they would tell you I know no strangers but actually I can be a little shy, seriously (my friends are laughing right now I can hear them). There is a time and a place to be professional and when no to be. I like to meet my clients and kinda feel them out and their personalities before I feel comfortable letting loose. I have had some clients not willing to do a whole lot out of their comfort zone so hanging their child upside down by their ankle would be too much to ask. I feel like it is my responsibility to push them out of their comfort zone to give them the best session possible but I also don't like it when someone tries to force me to do something I don't want to do and then also it is not natural it's not who they are so I am capturing a "fake" them. Are you getting what I am driving at here?

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